Meet Yvonne

Wife ~ Mother ~ Grandmother ~
World Traveler ~
Community Volunteer ~ Philanthropist ~
Legacy Photographer

Hikers in the French Alps, Mont Blanc, France

Wife, Mother, Grandmother. I live with my husband Danny in Spotsylvania, VA, which straddles between Washington, DC and Richmond, VA. We’ve been blissfully married for over 40 years. We met at a bus stop in Houston, TX - but that’s a story for another day. We are a blended family of two grown sons whom we are very proud. They have given us four beautiful grandchildren whom we spoil every chance we get.

World Traveler. I did not get the bug for international travel until our sons were grown. My first trip was to Cuba and what an eye opener it was to discover different cultures. Since then, I have traveled to over 40 countries of which I lived in two of them - Egypt and Jordan.

Community Volunteer. My parents, particularly, my dad, impressed upon his six children the value of volunteerism and helping our fellow man. Today, I volunteer my services as a photographer for my church, community clubs, as well as a local triathlon and veteran’s events.

Philanthropist. Very near and dear to my heart is philanthropy. As a member of the Ladies Philoptochos Society, a Greek Orthodox women’s organization, I devote my treasures of time and talent to raise funds for local, national, and international causes. These include homeless and women shelters, food banks, individuals in dire need, those suffering from floods and hurricanes just to mention a few. When God tugged at my heart, how could I say no to giving of myself to those in need.

Legacy Photographer. My passion is capturing memorable moments in time. I have photographed a variety of events, portraits, and families over the years and love every minute as it brings joy and excitement into so many lives. With that said, I have a special place in my heart for senior citizens and how they want their loved ones to remember them - their legacy and life story in a photo journal.

You see, both my parents were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Dad has since passed, but mom is 96 years old with very little memory of her past. I wondered one day as I was reflecting on their lives and realized that there is no one to keep their memory alive for their grandchildren, great grandchildren, and further generations. So, I decided to do that for them. In creating the photographic legacy, I discovered photos I took of them years ago and not too long ago; photos of them when they were just babies, and surprising of all, I discovered photos of my great grandparents, which I had never seen before.

How do you want others to remember you? Do you want to leave your photographic legacy to your family? If your answer is Yes, let me assist you with creating a wonderful legacy that your family will enjoy now and for generations to come - a family heirloom that will be passed down from generation to generation.


1. Let’s chat to discuss your story that you want to share with your family.

2. Let’s discuss how do you want to leave your photographic legacy - album, wall art, etc.

3. Let’s create your legacy. Complete the contact form below and we’ll get started.